MiniPias are arriving , the 40 million euro notice for Micro and Small Enterprises has been published. Applications from February 29th


Funding for business development In the foreground
MiniPias are arriving , the 40 million euro notice for Micro and Small Enterprises has been published. Applications from February 29th

With an initial endowment of 40 million euros and the publication this afternoon in the official bulletin of the Puglia Region, the MiniPia are making their debut for the first time in the 2021-2027 programming . This is a new tool, wanted by the Puglia Region and managed by Puglia Sviluppo as an intermediate body, which integrates the PIA measure with the procedural system of Title II, highlighting the themes of innovation, environmental protection and of training for the development of new skills, especially in the field of digital transformation and green reconversion.

The tool, in fact, facilitates interventions in the manufacturing-industrial, commerce and services sectors, carried out by micro and small businesses that launch an investment program, through an integrated approach to innovation issues capable of activating different actions and involving multiple business areas.

In fact, the notice supports investments aimed at modernizing production and service delivery methods, improving the transfer of knowledge, identifying the most effective uses of technologies and equipping the workforce with adequate advanced skills in line with new models of business. Furthermore, the tool promotes the implementation of sustainable processes and circular economy, with a view to a better and more rational use of resources, where digital know-how is fundamental to allow companies to remain competitive.

The MiniPia will therefore support small and micro businesses in facing the new challenges imposed by innovation and the ecological and digital transition, through the re-engineering of production cycles. Also in this edition of the tool, the involvement of the banking system is confirmed, which will be able to guarantee the financial resources necessary to support the development programs of even smaller companies and promote a better positioning for these entities at a national and international level. To allow better access to credit, this edition of the notice also provides for the possibility of using forms of direct or portfolio guarantees in order to broaden the range of potential beneficiaries.

“With this notice – explains the councilor for economic development of the Puglia Region Alessandro Delli Noci – which is added to those already published in the new 2021/2027 programming, we intend to give our micro and small businesses the opportunity to make the “leap in quality ” from a traditional model to a production system that identifies investment in digitalisation and innovation as a driving factor for development and profitability. We intend to support micro and small businesses for technological and industrial innovation activities, digitalisation and energy and environmental transition and develop the qualification of skills. The objective, in line with the regional smart specialization strategy, S3, is to develop production specializations and therefore to consolidate and strengthen the competitiveness of the regional economic system".

Initiatives will be promoted that can be traced back to four "transversal" drivers that determine challenges and opportunities for all supply chains: environmental sustainability and the circular economy; information technologies for industry and society; life sciences and health technologies; blue growth and the sea economy. Ten innovation chains: advanced mechanics, electronics and automation; automotive ; aerospace; agri-food; home system; fashion system; health industry and health services; energy and environmental systems; cultural, creative and tourism industries; Advanced services.

MiniPia investment programs must have a total eligible amount of between 30 thousand and 5 million euros.

The support is a mix between a direct non-repayable grant and a plant contribution determined on the amount of interest relating to the bank loan. In determining the GSE ( Gross Subsidy Equivalent), the release of any guarantees on the bank loan is also envisaged.

Applications can be submitted starting from February 29th with the online procedure available at the link .


How MiniPias work

The MiniPia , Integrated Facilitation Packages, are aimed at micro and small businesses, as well as freelancers, with the aim of facilitating integrated programs of productive investments and innovation, personnel qualification as well as encouraging the acquisition of specialist consultancy, internationalization programs and participation in fairs.

Productive investments may be facilitated in terms of enabling technologies and innovation related to topics such as digitalisation, energy efficiency and eco-sustainability which must be integrated with technological, organizational and management innovation projects of companies.

MiniPia investment programs must have a total eligible amount of between 30 thousand and 5 million euros.

Productive investment programs must include eligible expenses not exceeding 90% of the integrated project.

Investments for process and organizational innovation and those for innovation cannot exceed 1 million euros; investments in training cannot exceed 500 thousand euros; those for environmental protection cannot exceed 3 million euros. Expenses for consultancy services, including internationalisation, and expenses for participation in fairs cannot exceed 500 thousand euros.

The interventions to be facilitated are selected with an over-the-counter evaluation procedure. Applications must be submitted electronically only starting from 29 February through the online procedure "Integrated Benefit Packages", by registering and completing the information provided on the PugliaSemplice platform , available at the link https://pugliasemplice.sistema.

