Funding for Business Creation


We finance the start-up of newly established micro-enterprises founded by disadvantaged individuals and small enterprises that intend to start or develop investment plans with a technological content.

NIDI (New Business Initiatives)

(New public notice - Regional Programme ERDF - ESF+ 2021-2027

The NIDI funding scheme offers support for new business initiatives and the setting-up of micro-enterprises, through a combination of subsidy grants and zero-interest repayable loans towards investment costs, in addition to a further subsidy grant towards operational costs, incurred during the initial months of business.

The scheme is available to young entrepreneurs, female entrepreneurs and new businesses, including businesses in the tourism sector; in every case, eligible new businesses must be at least 50% owned by individuals with difficulties in accessing employment.

Funding is available for investment programmes with overall eligible expenditure between 10,000 euros and 150,000 euros, whilst funding levels varying according to the overall value of the business investments. The NIDI scheme offers funding of up to 120,000 euros towards investment costs, based on a repayable loan for 50% of overall eligible costs and a subsidy grant for the remaining 50%: in the case of young entrepreneurs and female entrepreneurs, who regularly carry out the business investments as planned and repay the first half of the loan, the subsidy grant can be increased to cover 75% of the eligible costs and the remainder of the loan can subsequently be written off.

The procedure for accessing the funding scheme is very straightforward. Simply go to the dedicated section of the website, access using SPID (Public Administration digital identity) and fill out the preliminary application on-line form, providing a detailed description and financial data of the new business plan, personal details of the entrepreneurs, indications regarding the amount and nature of the investments and expected expenses.

The new NIDI scheme has been running since the 14th December 2023 and has no fixed deadlines for proposals, subject to the availability of funds

For further information, please consult the public notice, available here.

TecnoNIDI (New Business Initiatives)

(New public notice - Regional Programme ERDF - ESF+ 2021-2027)

The TecnoNidi funding scheme offers support to technological start-ups and small-sized innovative businesses, intending to set-up or develop investment programmes in Puglia which aim to bring new business solutions or products and services to the market, based on proprietary knowledge or the results of R&D carried out within the system of public or private research centres.

Funding is available for business investment projects with overall eligible expenditure falling within the range between 50,000 euros (with a minimum 25,000 euros for capital investment costs) and 350,000 euros, of which maximum 250,000 euros for investment costs and maximum 100,000 euros for operating costs.

The TecnoNIDI scheme offers funding through a combination of low-interest repayable loans and subsidy grants towards investment costs, in addition to a further subsidy grant towards operational costs, incurred during the initial 12 months of business.

Applications for funding require the submission of a preliminary application, to be completed online, in the dedicated section of the website:

The new TecnoNIDI scheme has been running since the 13th November 2023 and has no fixed deadlines for proposals, subject to the availability of funds.

For further information, please consult the public notice, available here 
