Suspended from 31 May the operation of the platforms for the request of public incentives to companies
Funding for business creation
Funding for business development
Financing for business development in the tourism sector
Funding for the internationalization of markets
In the foreground
Starting from 21.00 on 31.05.2023, the operation of the IT platforms for the presentation of new requests on the notices Program Contracts, Pia Medie Imprese, Pia Piccole Imprese, Pia Turismo, Nidi, TecnoNidi, Title VI - Energy Efficiency Fund, Title IV - Internationalization.
The IT platform is definitively closed, limited to the receipt of new applications relating to the notices Title II Chapter 3 and Title II Chapter 6, starting from 21.00 on 31.05.2023.
This was announced by the Puglia Region in the note at this link.
In the picture the seat of the Regional Presidency (Bari, Nazario Sauro promenade).