The first BioInItaly Investment Forum "South Edition" will be held in Lecce on 11th and 12th April


Internationalization and investment attraction In the foreground
The first BioInItaly Investment Forum "South Edition" will be held in Lecce on 11th and 12th April

Ecological transition and financing of biotech innovation for sustainable development are the main themes. The event will also be the stage for the Arena Investment Meeting, which will allow six startups to present their circular bioeconomy projects to a panel of investors and finance experts

On 11 and 12 April, Puglia Region brings, for the first time to the South, to Lecce, the "BioInItaly Investment Forum", the reference event for innovation in the field of biotechnologies and circular Bioeconomy which, in its fourteen national editions, made it possible to raise over 70 million euros to support innovative biotechnological companies and business projects in search of new funds.

The Forum, in its new “South Edition” version, is held in the prestigious setting of Carlo V Castle in Lecce. Organized by Federchimica Assobiotec, National Cluster of the Circular Bioeconomy SPRING, and Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, in collaboration with Puglia Region, Puglia Sviluppo and with the support of ITA, Invest in Italy, LGCA, and Bioeconomy Ventures, it aims at presenting the progress and opportunities for investment and development, especially in the field of circular Bioeconomy, also for companies located in the South.

In the session of 11 April (2.30-7.00pm) it will be possible to analyse in depth, with experts and leading companies in the sector, the evolution of the Bioeconomy in Italy and learn about the trends and opportunities that biotechnologies can offer to achieve the sustainable development goals envisioned by European and national policies.

The session of 12 April (8.30-12.30am) will instead be dedicated to the topic of financing and investing in innovation, with the participation of Puglia Sviluppo, ITA, and the European Circular Bioeconomy Fund, which will present some successful case histories.

The event closes with the Arena Investment Meeting with the presentation, to a panel of investors and finance experts, of six innovative startups that have devised concrete solutions for sustainable development and growth in the Country. The day of April 12 will be moderated by Bill Barber, investor and coach of Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center.

It is possible, subject to availability, to participate in the event by writing to: and indicating your name, surname, and day of presence.

The event can also be followed in streaming through the following links:

11 April 2022:

12 April 2022:

Find the program below:

LECCE, 11-12 APRIL 2022 Carlo V Castle - Via XXV Luglio

MONDAY 11 (in Italian)

2.30pm            Registration

3.00pm           Presentation of the Event

                        Mario Bonaccorso, Director of the SPRING Cluster

3.15pm            Welcome Messages

                        Carlo Maria Salvemini, Mayor of Lecce

                        Fabio Pollice, Dean of the University of Salento

                        Nicola Delle Donne, Ruling President of Confindustria Lecce

                        Alessandro Delli Noci, Council Member for Economic Development of Puglia Region

4.00pm           Bioeconomy in Italy. Data from 2021 Report

                        Laura Campanini, Intesa Sanpaolo Research Department

4.15pm            Research and Innovation for Italian recovery and resilience

                        Amedeo Lepore, University of Campania L. Vanvitelli and SPRING

                        Vito Grassi, VP Confindustria with responsibility for Territorial Cohesion

                        Grazia Barberio, Sustainability Department ENEA

                        Francesca Portincasa, Acquedotto Pugliese

                        Maria Svelto, H-Bio Tech District

                        Alessandro Sannino, University of Salento

                        Giovanni Ronco, Confindustria Puglia

6.00pm           Investing in the ecological transition: Italy in the international competition

                       Marco Alvisi, Cetma

                        Antonella Beltrame, Indaco Sgr

                        Marcello Somma, Kiverdi

                        Massimiano Tellini, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

                        Filippo Martinelli, Bioeconomy Ventures

                        Mariagiovanna Vetere, NatureWorks

                        Marco Noseda, TerraNext 




TUESDAY 12 (in English)


8.30am              Registration

9.15am              Welcome messages

                        Investing in Apulia: boosting innovation and startups

                        Theresa Mulloy, Puglia Sviluppo

                        Investing in Italy: innovation and competitiveness

                         Italian Trade Agency

Investing in the circular Bioeconomy: the case of ECBF

Vivek Dogra, European Circular Bioeconomy Fun

10.00am           Introduction to the Arena Investment Meeting

                        Bill Barber, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

10.15am            First panel

                        3 startups

11.15am            Second panel

                        3 startups

12.15 am           Final remarks


BioInItaly Investment Forum

Born in 2008 by the will of Assobiotec, BioInItaly Investment Forum is an event that allows innovative biotechnology companies and business projects, looking for new funds, to meet investors from all over the world. Since 2010, it has been supported by the Intesa Sanpaolo Start-up Initiative and, since 2015, it has been preceded by a national roadshow aimed at collecting and selecting the most interesting projects. The 2022 edition is organized by Assobiotec, Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, and SPRING Cluster.

Federchimica Assobiotec

Assobiotec, the national association of Federchimica for the development of biotechnologies, represents around 130 companies and technological and scientific parks operating in Italy in the various sectors of biotech application: health, agriculture, environment, and industrial processes. The Association brings together different realities - by size and sector of activity - which find a strong cohesion in the vocation for innovation and in the use of biotech technology: a strategic lever for development in all industrial fields and a concrete response to increasingly urgent needs in the areas of public health, environment, agriculture, and food. Established in 1986, Assobiotec is a founding member of EuropaBio and the International Council of Biotechnology Associations.

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center is the company of Intesa Sanpaolo Group dedicated to frontier innovation. It explores future scenarios and trends, develops multidisciplinary applied research projects, supports startups, accelerates the business transformation of companies according to the criteria of Open Innovation and Circular Economy, favors the development of innovative ecosystems and spreads the culture of innovation, to make Intesa Sanpaolo the driving force of a more aware, inclusive and sustainable economy.

Based on the 31st floor of the Intesa Sanpaolo skyscraper and relying on a national and international network of hubs and laboratories, the Innovation Center is an enabler of relationships with the other stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem - such as companies, startups, incubators, research centers, universities, national and international bodies - and a promoter of new forms of entrepreneurship in accessing risk capital, with the support of venture capital funds, also thanks to its subsidiary Neva SGR.


SPRING Cluster

The Italian Cluster of the Circular Bioeconomy was born in 2014. It is a recognized Association bringing together innovative subjects along the entire supply chain of the chemicals from renewable sources sector, to help consolidate an Italian Bioeconomy model aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and using resources efficiently.

The goal is to help create the conditions for the development of an attractive, dynamic, innovative, competitive, and continuously growing industrial and academic context. SPRING favors the creation of a strong, cohesive, and representative community, represents its interests in front of regional, national, European and international institutions, promotes its visibility and knowledge by the general and specialist public. To achieve its objectives, it identifies and enhances existing and potential synergies with all actors at regional, national, European and global level.

The Cluster Associates are now more than 120, with a wide representation among different categories (public research, industry, organizations dedicated to technology transfer and dissemination, territorial entities, associations) and distributed throughout the national territory.

The Cluster also avails itself of the support of fourteen supporting Regions - Basilicata, Campania, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Sicily, Tuscany, Umbria, Veneto and the Autonomous Province of Trento - whose development and planning strategies reflect the vision and objectives of the Association.
