The first two notices of the new 2021-2027 programming cycle, Program Contracts and TecnoNidi, are open today. Delli Noci: “The initial endowment is sixty-five million”


Funding for business creation Funding for business development In the foreground
The first two notices of the new 2021-2027 programming cycle, Program Contracts and TecnoNidi, are open today. Delli Noci: “The initial endowment is sixty-five million”

The first two notices of the new 2021-2027 programming cycle, Program Contracts and TecnoNidi, are open today. Delli Noci: “The initial endowment is sixty-five million”


Financing for business creation Business development financing In the foreground


ERDF-FSE + 2021-2027 regional program are active from today, with the publication in the Official Bulletin of the Puglia Region. These are TecnoNidi and Program Contracts. The first is aimed at technological startups and small innovative businesses; the second to large companies in collaboration with SMEs and startups, they have a total initial endowment of 65 million euros, of which 45 for Program Contracts and just under 20 for TecnoNidi (to be precise 19,705,882 euros).

They are two real pillars in the package of incentives for businesses which, together, in the 2014-2020 cycle, have enlivened investments of over 2.2 billion euros and generated new employment for around 5 thousand work units.

The Program Contracts, in particular, generated investments of approximately 2.1 billion euros, of which 1.086 billion euros by foreign groups, as well as research and development projects for 1.053 billion euros and 4,163 new employees. TecnoNidi is also attractive considering that 29% of the projects presented in the 2014-2020 programming cycle come from outside the region or from abroad. Furthermore, from the examination of projects with completed investments, it is found that on average each initiative generates two new highly qualified employees and one in five leads to the filing of a new patent or the extension of protection in other countries. The propensity for internationalization is significant, also thanks to the events promoted by the Puglia Region. TecnoNidi is responsible for the impetus for the creation of innovative startups and SMEs in Puglia which today reach a total of 759 units, ranking Puglia in eighth place for both categories.

Wanted by the Puglia Region, the two facilitation tools will both be managed by Puglia Sviluppo, as financial body in the case of TecnoNidi; as an intermediate body for Program Contracts.

The two measures are structural and multi-annual, therefore they do not expire but will be open as long as there are resources available.

“The new programming – underlined the councilor for economic development of the Puglia Region Alessandro Delli Noci – starts with two notices which, despite having different objectives and addressing an audience of companies of different sizes, have made a difference in past years and will do so even more for the future.

They have attracted investments from other regions and abroad and supported the competitiveness of the Apulian production system in the great crises of recent years through incentives for development and self-entrepreneurship.

They have in common a great attention to innovation and research and development projects. Attention which in the previous programming stimulated, overall for both, dedicated investments of over 1.092 billion euros, but will do much more in the new one than in the Program Contracts, focuses attention on investments in research, innovation and training and in TecnoNidi on the economic valorisation of research activities.

FSC funds ".

The publication of the notices on the Burp is scheduled for today 23 November 2023: TecnoNidi in the ordinary edition of the Bulletin, the Program Contracts in the supplement.

Here's a quick look at how the measures work.

The Program Contracts facilitate large companies provided that there is effective collaboration with smaller companies such as SMEs and startups. Eligible investments are research and development projects and, for participating SMEs , also investments in tangible assets. Industrial research and experimental development projects may be integrated with innovation projects, production investments, training projects, investments in favor of environmental protection and the acquisition of specialist consultancy, internationalization and development programs is envisaged exclusively for participating SMEs . participation in fairs. The overall amount of the projects must start from a minimum of 5 million euros. Applications can be forwarded, starting from 11 December 2023, through the online procedure "Program Contracts", by registering and completing the information provided on the PugliaSemplice platform , available at the link https://pugliasemplice.sistema.puglia. it .

TecnoNidi is aimed at technological startups and small innovative businesses that have invested in research and development and that, through the regional notice, intend to start or develop technological investment plans in Puglia aimed at introducing new production solutions or services for the economic valorisation of knowledge results acquired or deriving from the activity of the public or private research system. The total amount of the business project must be between 25 thousand and 350 thousand euros, of which a maximum of 250 thousand euros will be allocated to investment costs and a maximum of 100 thousand euros will be allocated to operating costs. The benefits include a non-repayable contribution and a repayable loan at a subsidized rate on investment expenses, as well as a further non-repayable contribution for management expenses incurred in the first 12 months of activity. The request for access to the benefits is preceded by the presentation of a preliminary application, drawn up and sent only electronically, through the online procedure at , starting from 23 November 2023.

