The new announcements of the 2021-2027 programming. MiniPias are coming . The guidelines for Program Contracts and Pia were also approved. For Nidi and TecnoNidi, a budget of 59 million


Funding for business creation Funding for business development Financing for business development in the tourism sector In the foreground
The new announcements of the 2021-2027 programming. MiniPias are coming . The guidelines for Program Contracts and Pia were also approved. For Nidi and TecnoNidi, a budget of 59 million

The new announcements of the 2021-2027 programming. MiniPias are coming . The guidelines for Program Contracts and Pia were also approved. For Nidi and TecnoNidi, a budget of 59 million


Financing for business creation Business development financing Financing for business development in the tourism sector In the foreground


Delli Noci: “With the new tools we put research and innovation, training new skills and environmental protection first”


Confirmations such as the Program Contracts and the Pia (ordinary and tourism), widely tested and very successful, and some innovations such as the Integrated Mini-Packages of facilitation ( MiniPia ), but, by popular demand, nurseries and TecnoNidi are also returning with an overall allocation for both exceeding 59 million euros. These will be the first seven notices of the 2021-2027 programming cycle, the release of which is expected in the coming months.

In the last session, the regional council launched the guidelines and approved the pre- information sheets for Program Contracts, Pia and MiniPia ; furthermore, resources for nurseries and TecnoNidi were allocated by the Puglia regional program Fesr / Fse + 2021-2027, for the coverage of which a change to the 2023 and multi-year forecast budget 2023-2025 was necessary. The notices will all be managed by Puglia Sviluppo as an intermediate and financial body.

In this programming cycle, what unites and distinguishes all the Notices is the predominant attention to research and innovation activities. This was underlined by the Councilor for Economic Development of the Puglia Region, Alessandro Delli Noci , who explains: “Program Contracts, Pia, Nests and TecnoNidi are consolidated tools that have had great success in previous programmes. In the 2014-2020 cycle they alone generated more than 60% of the 8 billion moved by all the incentive instruments for businesses. But with this programming we are aiming decisively at increasingly integrated, structural and multi-annual forms of support and, for this reason, we have decided to focus more attention on the themes of industrial research and experimental development which become the distinctive element of the Contracts of Program and Pia. Other factors that both ordinary and tourism MiniPias also have in common are investments in innovation, environmental protection and the training of new skills in terms of digital transformation and green reconversion. With Nidi and TecnoNidi we encourage self-entrepreneurship and enhance technological startups and small innovative businesses that are giving a huge boost to Apulian innovation. It is our contribution to the growth of competitiveness, employment and well-being not only in Puglia but also in Italy and Europe".

In particular for Program Contracts , eligible investments are research and development projects promoted by one or more large companies but on the condition that there is effective collaboration with smaller companies such as SMEs and startups. In turn, industrial research and experimental development projects can be integrated with innovation projects, production investments, training projects, investments in favor of environmental protection and the acquisition of specialist consultancy, development programs exclusively for participating SMEs is envisaged. internationalization and participation in fairs. The overall amount of the projects must start from a minimum of 5 million euros and reach a maximum of 110 million euros.

The Integrated Facilitation Programs (IAP ), unlike what happened in previous programs, become a single notice aimed at both medium and small businesses which can present, individually or with other SMEs , startups and innovative businesses, investment programs for activities of industrial research, experimental development, technological and industrial innovation, digitalisation and energy and environmental transition, development and qualification of skills as well as acquisition of specialist consultancy, internationalization programs and participation in trade fairs. Commercial initiatives that include innovation projects in their investment program are also permitted in this programming. The total amount of expenses and costs eligible for PIAs is between a minimum of 1 million and a maximum of 50 million euros.

In the 2021-2027 programming cycle, the MiniPia , Integrated Benefit Packages, debut for the first time. They are aimed at micro and small businesses and freelancers with the aim of meeting the new challenges imposed by innovation and the ecological and digital transition through the re-engineering of production cycles and the launch of circular economy processes; but they also have the aim of facilitating access to credit by smaller companies, supporting their positioning at a national and international level, supporting the diffusion of innovation, supporting and qualifying the updating and adaptation of the skills of the their staff as well as encouraging the acquisition of specialist consultancy, internationalization programs and participation in trade fairs. Productive investments may be facilitated in terms of enabling technologies and innovation related to topics such as digitalisation, energy and eco-sustainability which must be integrated with technological, organizational and management innovation projects of companies. The MiniPia investment programs must have a total eligible amount of between 30 thousand and 5 million euros.

The tourism business package also includes both Pia and MiniPia .

In particular, the Integrated Tourism Facilitation Programs (Pia Turismo), already widely used in previous programming, must be integrated in this new cycle with digital, technological, energy and waste management investments. Projects that involve the expansion, modernization and renovation of properties to transform them into tourist-hotel facilities of at least 7 rooms are facilitated, all activities aimed at the recovery and redevelopment of an already existing or valuable asset, as in the previous cycle. This time, however, integration with at least one intervention regarding technological innovation programs, training projects to qualify skills relating to digital transformation, sustainable tourism, ecological transition and green reconversion, and specific investments in favor of the protection of environmental. For SMEs, programs are included for the acquisition of specialist consultancy for internationalization and expenses for participation in trade fairs. Pia Turismo can be presented by a large, medium or small company and by business networks and consortia. The investment programs must have a total amount of eligible expenses and costs of between 5 and 40 million euros.

The MiniPia Turismo are also aimed at tourism companies of all sizes, from large to small businesses, including business networks and consortia, but the eligible amounts vary and fluctuate between 30 thousand euros and 5 million. It is important to underline the purposes that both Pia and MiniPia dedicated to tourism have in common and which differentiate these tools from those of the previous programming. The aims this time are in fact the raising of the quality standards of the offer and the improvement of services in an ecological and green key, but also the digitalisation of companies operating in the tourism sector, the training of operators and the support and qualification of the regional employment including female employment. In particular for MiniPia Turismo, investments must be aimed at recovering the existing heritage (from abandoned or unfinished buildings to farms, historic buildings, trulli, towers and fortifications) to be transformed into tourist-hotel or non-hotel structures with at least 5 rooms.

For all five notices the form of aid is a non-repayable contribution, for the MiniPia both ordinary and intended for tourism, a 10% contribution towards facilities is added to the direct subsidy (non-repayable) determined on the amount of the interest on a bank loan and 10% ESL (Gross Grant Equivalent) on guarantee, counter-guarantee, co-guarantee and reinsurance operations, on the bank loan granted.

For the Program contracts and for the Pia Turismo, the productive investments of large companies can be facilitated only if non-EU financial resources become available in the future.

Furthermore, the regional council has allocated, with a change in the budget, the amounts of the Nidi and TecnoNidi facilitation instruments. Overall, this amounts to over 59 million euros, of which 39.4 million for Nidi and 19.7 million for TecnoNidi, including resources for grants and loans.

In particular, TecnoNidi is aimed at technological startups and small innovative businesses that have invested in research and development and that, through the regional notice, intend to start or develop technological investment plans in Puglia aimed at introducing new production or service solutions. for the economic valorisation of knowledge results acquired or deriving from the activity of the public or private research system. The total amount of the business project must be between 25 thousand and 350 thousand euros, of which a maximum of 250 thousand euros intended for investment costs and a maximum of 100 thousand euros intended for operating costs and a non-repayable contribution and a repayable loan at a subsidized rate are envisaged on investment expenses, and a further non-repayable contribution for management expenses incurred in the first 12 months of activity

Similarly, Nidi (New Business Initiatives) offers help for starting a new micro-enterprise with a non-repayable contribution and a repayable loan at a subsidized rate on investment expenses and a further non-repayable contribution for maintenance costs. management supported in the first months of activity. The tool particularly supports youth groups, women's businesses, new companies and tourism businesses at least 50% owned by individuals with difficulty accessing the world of work. The proposed investment can have a value between 10 thousand and 250 thousand euros, with relief that varies as the value of the investment increases.

For all seven notices, the opening of the procedure is set for the second half of 2023. Participation can only take place online through the Puglia Semplice platform.


In the photo, the regional Presidency building - Bari, Lungomare Nazario Sauro.


